Friday, December 12, 2008

Introducing myself

Hi all!

This is an opportunity for me to say hello, and let you all know who I am and what I'm doing.

I'm a nurse, specifically an LPN. I usually work with people who have lived long hard lives working long hard days. They have used and abused their bodies just to make a living for their families. I've seen the worst...and the best. One lady I met was 99 years old and on virtually no medications. Not too surprisingly, she walks all the time, eats healthy food and takes good care of herself...she's likely to make it over the Century mark and still keep walking. Did I mention she's not in a wheelchair or uses a walker? She walks faster than I do sometimes and fully upright. She's shown me that the usual bent over, senile, coughing picture we have of the later years is not necessarily to be expected.

I'm also a mom. My children are the centre of my world. Anything I can do to make their world a better place, I'm happy to explore. From health to wealth, from family time to family values. My choices affect them and so I do my best to make those choices worth their time.

As a mom and a nurse, I do a lot of reading, study new science and options and find what best works for me and my family. I hope to share some of this with others. If it helps others find better choices for themselves, I'm happy.

Love and blessings,

Angela Gallant

PS. This site is new for me so expect that it will change as I tweak and evolve it more to suit my tastes. Check back lots and feel free to comment and give me some feedback. I love getting other people's ideas.